NeilMed Sinus Rinse Starter Kit - 10 Sachets

SKU : OT067203 PIP-Code : 3404381 EAN : 0705928003088
NeilMed Sinus Rinse is a natural soothing saline nasal wash designed to help allevate nasal allergies & dryness, sinusitis, rhinitis, allergic asthma, sinus pressure & nasal stuffiness, nasal symptoms from cold & flu, nasal congestion and much more.
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NeilMed Sinus Rinse Starter Kit - 10 Sachets

NeilMed Sinus Rinse
is a natural soothing saline nasal wash designed to help allevate:
  • Nasal Allergies & Dryness
  • Sinusitis, Rhinitis
  • Allergic Asthma
  • Post Nasal Drip
  • Sinus Pressure & Nasal Stuffiness
  • Nasal Symptoms from Cold & Flu
  • Nasal Irritation from Occupational Dust, Fumes, Animal Dander, Grass, Pollen, Smoke, & House Dust
  • Nasal Congestion
Nasal Irrigation helps to clean mucus from the nose making medication more effective, and also cleans allergens, irritants, bacteria and viruses from the nose, reducing the frequency of infection. In addition, it also helps to decrease swelling in the nose and increase air flow.

Current medical studies have shown that a large volume low positive pressure nasal wash is the most effective way to irrigate the nose.

NeilMed Sinus Rinse Starter Kit - 10 Sachets
  • 1 custom 8oz. (240ml) nasal irrigator
  • 10 regular premixed sachets of pH balanced sodium chloride & sodium bicarbonate mixture (USP grade, natural ingredients, isotonic, preservative & iodine free)
  • Educational brochure
  • Instructions


Step 1
Please wash your hands. Fill the clean bottle with the designated volume of warm distilled water, filtered water or previously boiled water. You may warm the water in a microwave but we recommend that you warm it in increments of five seconds. This is to avoid excessive heating of the water and damage to the device or scalding your nasal passage.

Step 2
Cut the Sinus Rinse mixture packet at the corner and pour its contents into the bottle. Tighten the cap & tube on the bottle securely, place one finger over the tip of the cap and shake the bottle gently to dissolve the mixture.

Step 3

Standing in front of a sink, bend forward to your comfort level and tilt your head down. Keeping your mouth open without holding your breath, place cap snugly against your nasal passage and squeeze bottle gently until the solution starts draining from the opposite nasal passage or from your mouth. Keep squeezing the bottle gently until at least ¼ to ½ (60 to 120 ml) of the bottle is used for a proper rinse. Do not swallow the solution.

Step 4
Blow your nose gently, without pinching your nose completely because this will apply pressure on the eardrums. If tolerable, sniff in any residual solution remaining in the nasal passage once or twice prior to blowing your nose as this may clean out the posterior nasopharyngeal area (the area at the back of your nasal passage). Some solution will reach the back of the throat, so please spit it out. To help improve drainage of any residual solution, blow your nose gently while tilting your head to the opposite side of the nasal passage that you just rinsed.

Step 5
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for your other nasal passage.

Step 6
Air dry the Sinus Rinse bottle, cap, and tube on a clean paper towel, a glass plate or use NeilMed's NasaDock® (sold separately) to store the bottle cap and tube. If there is any solution leftover, please discard it. We recommend you make a fresh solution each time you rinse. Rinse once or twice a day or as directed by your physician.


Each sachet contains Sodium Chloride & Sodium Bicarbonate (USP grade).


  • Do not rinse if nasal passage is completely blocked or if you have an ear infection or blocked ears.
  • If you have had ear surgery, please contact your physician prior to irrigation.
  • If you experience any pressure in your ears, stop the rinse and get further directions from your physician.
  • To avoid any ear discomfort: Heat the solution to lukewarm, do not use hot, boiling or cold water. Keep your mouth open. Do not hold your breath and if possible make the sound kha....kha... Gently squeeze ¼ of the bottle at a time (60ml / 2 ounces). Stop the rinse if you feel any solution sensation near the ears.
  • You may rinse with a partially blocked nasal passage.
  • Please rinse at least one hour prior to bedtime, in order to avoid any residual solution dripping in the throat.
  • We strongly advise against the use of our kit on children or adults who have reduced comprehension.
  • Patients who are unable to stand up or bend near the sink should not use this product. We advise you not to use this kit on patients who are bed bound or severely debilitated.
  • Rinsing your nasal passages with only plain water will result in a severe burning sensation. Please do not rinse with plain water.
  • Not for use in eyes or ears. Once seal is broken, use within 48 hours.
  • Before using the Sinus Rinse kit, please inspect the cap, tube and bottle carefully for wear and tear. If any of the components appear discolored or cracked, please contact NeilMed to obtain a replacement. You must follow the cleaning instructions provided in the brochure or cleaning instruction card prior to each use.
  • The Sinus Rinse bottle and mixture are to be used only for nasal irrigation. Do not use for any other purposes.
  • Rinse your nasal passages only with NeilMed packets. The packets contain a patented mixture of USP grade sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. These ingredients are the purest quality available. Using home-mixed solutions may not provide you with adequate therapeutic relief, and will likely cause burning and stinging. Additionally, rinsing with plain water will result in a severe burning sensation; always remember to add a NeilMed packet to the water before rinsing.
  • Do not rinse if your nasal passage is completely blocked. You may still use the rinse with partially blocked nasal passages.
  • We strongly advise against the use of our kit on children or adults who have reduced comprehension. You should only use the product on children four years old and above. If your child is less than four years old, you should consult his/her physician before using the product. Adults need to understand the procedure first before using it on their children.

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