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What are the Best Remedies for Vaginal Dryness?

A thin layer of moisture covers the vaginal walls. Because of the wetness, sperm can survive and travel in an alkaline environment, which is necessary for sexual reproduction. Apart from lubricating the vaginal wall, these vaginal fluids lessen friction during sexual contact. Keep reading to find out best ways of treating vaginal dryness.
The vaginal walls may weaken as a woman ages due to changes in her hormone secretion. Fewer cells that produce moisture result from thinner walls. This may cause dryness in the vagina.
Symptoms of vaginal dryness
The following are symptoms of vaginal dryness:
- Soreness or itchiness in or around your vagina
- Pain or discomfort during sex
- Frequent urination
- Recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Causes of vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness is mostly caused by declining estrogen levels. As women get older, they start to generate less estrogen. The result is the cessation of menstruation during the perimenopause period.
But not all medical conditions result in a reduction in estrogen production, including menopause. Additional factors include:
- Breastfeeding
- Depression
- Childbirth
- Rigorous exercise
- Surgical removal of the ovaries
- Immune system disorders, such as Sjögren syndrome
- Cigarette smoking
- Excessive stress
- Some cancer treatments, like radiation to the pelvis, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy
Some medications can reduce the body's secretions. Along with some lotions and creams used on the vaginal area, douching can also result in dryness and inflammation.
It's also important to learn about other similar conditions such as thrush. Find out more about the condition in our previous blog post here:
How do you treat a dry vagina naturally?
Prior to visiting a doctor, you can try these remedies. Most of them are available without a prescription.
- Use water-based lubricants before having sex. Place these in and around your vagina, on your partner's penis, on their fingers, or, if you're using one, on a sex toy.
- Utilise vaginal moisturisers for dry vagina. Place these inside your vagina to keep it moist.
- Only use unscented soaps and washes around your vagina.
- Try to engage in more foreplay. This will arouse you more.
- Use non-fragranced soaps, washes, and douches away from your vagina.
- Avoid applying creams or lotions like petroleum jelly to your vagina because doing so could lead to an infection.

Can I take anything for vaginal dryness?
To minimise dryness and irritation, treat the vaginal area with a variety of over-the-counter lubricants. These lubricants and moisturising lotions have the ability to alter the pH of the vagina, which lowers the risk of developing a UTI.
Women should select a lubricant that is designed exclusively for vaginal usage. It is best if the lubricant is water-based. They shouldn't contain artificial colours, herbal extracts, or fragrances because these might be irritating.
Lubricants like petroleum jelly and mineral oil can affect birth control diaphragms and condoms made of rubber.
A doctor may occasionally recommend estrogen treatment in the form of a tablet, lotion, or ring that releases estrogen. Estrogen is released directly into the tissues through creams and rings. When you have other unpleasant menopause symptoms, like hot flashes, you are more likely to use pills.
If the condition persists, it's crucial to seek diagnosis and treatment advice at a doctor's office since many products can irritate sensitive vaginal skin.
Shop online at for the best products for treating vaginal dryness.
This blog post was written on behalf of by Pharmacy Mentor.