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How Do You Successfully Remove Earwax Build-Up?

The ear canals produce earwax (cerumen). It is usually a normal and healthy substance. Occasionally, however, earwax build-up can be unsightly, uncomfortable, or affect your hearing for a short period of time. Keep reading to learn more on how to soften earwax.
Even though it is possible to purchase over-the-counter earwax drainage products, there are several other household items you can use to remove excess wax from your outer ear canals.
The accumulation of earwax to the point that symptoms occur is called "impacted earwax." If impacted earwax is not causing symptoms, no treatment is required, and the wax may gradually fall out of the ear of its own accord.
How to soften earwax and remove it
The following treatments are available if you are experiencing impacted earwax symptoms.
In order to remove earwax completely and safely, you must see a doctor who has special instruments to look inside the ears and use special tools and procedures to remove the wax.
- Rinsing.
- Medical professionals use speciality tools to remove earwax from the ears.

Use ear drops at home for dissolving earwax
- Most are accessible over-the-counter (OTC).
- Water-based ear drops have ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, or sodium bicarbonate
Apply the drops with the head tilted so that the opening of the ear points up. After a minute, tilt the head the other way to allow the fluid and wax to drain out of your ear. A bulb syringe may also be used to swish out the ear. Avoid the use of bulb syringes if you have a damaged eardrum.
What are the best drops to soften earwax?
Wax softening drops can be found at most local chemists and generally come in three varieties: water-based, oil-based, or non-water and non-oil based. They are also available in a spray format. Small amounts of wax (e.g. when used as a preventative) can be dissolved and softened with these products, allowing them to fall out of their own accord.
The drops can temporarily relieve large amounts of wax by creating a 'gap' in the impacted wax, but the wax can continue to build. It is, therefore, more effective to use wax softening drops along with other wax removal techniques, like microsuction.

What is microsuction and how is it used in earwax removal?
Microsuction removes wax in a safe, gentle manner. Due to its dry nature, micro-suction is fit even for those who cannot use wax softening drops. To make wax removal more comfortable and quick, we recommend that you use wax softening drops before your appointment.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our friendly team or book your appointment online. You can also shop at for the best ear care products such as:
Earol Olive Oil Spray

Otex Olive Oil Ear Drops
We also have a variety of other ear care products for you!
This blog post was written on behalf of by Pharmacy Mentor.