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Urology Awareness Month: Living with Incontinence

September is Urology Awareness Month and while urological diseases and problems are always important, now is the perfect time to highlight urinary incontinence issues and how to deal with them. Urinary incontinence affects around 5 million people in the UK, so you’re certainly not alone if you deal with any level of incontinence. At, we have not only quality but also affordable incontinence pads and pants for both men and women.
What is urinary incontinence and what causes it?
Urinary incontinence is simply any involuntary passing of urine – most people experience it at least once in their lifetime, perhaps while laughing intensely with friends, but it can become an ongoing problem for many. There are four different types of urinary incontinence:
- Stress incontinence – This is the type of incontinence we touched on above, where urine leaks out under stress. This may be while coughing, laughing, or lifting something heavy. Stress incontinence is usually caused by a weakening of the surrounding muscles that are needed to control urination.
- Urge incontinence – This is where urine leaks out followed by an intense need to pee. It is usually caused by overactive detrusor muscles, which are the muscles that control the bladder.
- Overflow incontinence – Also called chronic urinary retention, is where you are unable to fully empty your bladder when you go to the bathroom, and so you often “overflow”. This type of incontinence is usually caused by a blockage within the bladder, which prevents your bladder from emptying fully.
- Total incontinence – This is where the bladder is unable to hold any urine, and so it passes frequently or constantly without your control. This type of incontinence is usually only caused by a birth defect, spinal injury, or a fistula, which is where a small hole forms near the bladder.
Other causes of urinary incontinence are pregnancy, giving birth, obesity, and ageing, though it’s important to note that incontinence is not something you should “expect” with ageing.
What can I do to reduce urinary incontinence?
Firstly, if you are pregnant or have recently given birth naturally, don’t panic – it’s normal to experience some urinary incontinence around this time due to the excess stress your body is under. Make sure you tell your doctor you are experiencing it, especially if you find it distressing.
If you experience urinary incontinence regularly, talk to your GP. You don’t need to live with urinary incontinence in silence – if you’re experiencing minor symptoms, your doctor will likely recommend lifestyle changes, such as:
- Losing weight
- Cutting down on alcohol and caffeine
- Doing more exercise
- Doing pelvic floor exercises
- Bladder training (which is where you train yourself to hold on longer when you need to go to the bathroom)
In most cases, increasing your activity and cutting back on unhealthy foods will help your symptoms improve.
Surgical Interventions & incontinence pads and pants
For the more severe forms of urinary incontinence, your doctor may recommend surgical treatment. These treatments usually involve reducing pressure on the bladder, enlarging the bladder, or inserting a device that controls the detrusor muscles, which acts a little like a pacemaker for your heart.
Incontinence pads, pants & other ways to manage incontinence
Where possible, improve your diet and increase your activity level, and consider doing some pelvic floor exercises. You can do these while sitting anywhere, you just focus on clenching and releasing those internal muscles that help you control when you go to the bathroom.

There is also the Aquaflex Pelvic Floor Exerciser. This exerciser naturally activates your pelvic floor muscles so you exercise without even knowing it!

Using incontinence pads or pants is also a must. They’ll keep you feeling fresh, hygienic, and confident as you go about your day. For women, Always Discreet liners, pads, and underwear are comfortable and affordable; you can explore the range and order online here.

For men, the TENA Men shield, pads, and pants are ideal – you can explore the range and order online here.
Urinary incontinence isn’t something you have to live with. Nevertheless, it’s also not something you should allow to derail your life. With the right incontinence pads and treatment plan, you’ll feel like your old self in no time!
This blog post was written on behalf of by Pharmacy Mentor.