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How to Get Rid of a Hangover

If you've had a number of drinks on a night out, you understand how unpleasant the morning after can be. You may have a terrible hangover if you have nausea, a parched mouth, a headache and lethargy. Continue reading to find out how to cure a hangover quickly.
Each of these signs and symptoms has its own cause. Alcohol causes sleep disturbances and makes you tired in the morning. Drinking causes your blood vessels to dilate, causing headaches. Alcohol also irritates the stomach lining, causing nausea and occasionally diarrhoea.
We've been trying to heal hangovers for almost as long as most people have had them, with therapies ranging from pickle juice to vitamin B. Some hangover remedies are more effective than others, but none of them are cures. The only method of preventing a hangover is to drink in moderation or avoid alcohol altogether.
However, there are a few hangover treatments that can help alleviate at least several of your symptoms. Here are some suggestions to consider.
Drink plenty of water
A large glass of water may be the simplest hangover cure. Alcohol dehydrates the body by causing your kidneys to produce more urine. After a night of bingeing, you lose fluid when sweating, vomiting, or having diarrhoea. Symptoms of dehydration include a dry mouth and a headache.
Drink water before going to bed if you drink alcohol. It will help to mitigate the impact of the alcohol in the morning. When you wake up, drink another glass of water to stay hydrated. Replace the potassium, sodium and other electrolytes lost during vomiting or diarrhoea with a sports drink.

Incorporate some carbohydrates in your meal to cure a hangover quickly
Because drinking lowers blood sugar levels, some of the exhaustion and headaches associated with a hangover could be due to the brain operating without enough of its primary fuel. Furthermore, many individuals forget to eat while they drink, causing their blood sugar to drop even more. Having toast and juice is a gentle way to restore normal levels.
Get adequate rest
For certain persons, alcohol can bring about sleep disruptions and is linked to lower sleep quality and duration.
Sleep deprivation does not create a hangover, but it can exacerbate one. Lack of sleep can worsen symptoms such as headaches, exhaustion and irritability.

Apple cider vinegar
This all-purpose remedy claims to cure anything, but it's especially effective for a hangover.
After drinking alcohol, your body's PH level becomes more acidic, which apple cider vinegar can help restore. As a result, it aids in returning your PH to a more normal level.
While it has a diuretic effect, it can aid with morning-after fluid retention and is excellent for normalising blood sugar levels. After a night of drinking, these sugars can be depleted, leaving you weary and lethargic.
Boost your breakfast to cure a hangover quickly
When you're hungover, a large fry-up seems to always be the best option. However, it has the potential to swiftly make you feel worse.
A nutritious breakfast can assist you in keeping stable blood sugar levels, for example. Whereas low blood sugar is not always the reason for a hangover, it is frequently linked to it.
Some hangover symptoms, like nausea, exhaustion, and weakness, may be exacerbated by low blood sugar.

Take some painkillers
Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), may aid in the relief of hangover symptoms.
In fact, NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin are widely used to relieve pain and cure symptoms associated with hangovers like headaches and muscular pains. However, NSAIDs should ideally be taken with food as they can upset/irritate the stomach. If your stomach doesn't feel great, it's advisable to stick with something like paracetamol.
Shop online today at for painkillers, medication and rehydration remedies to relieve your hangover fast!
This blog post was written on behalf of by Pharmacy Mentor.