
  1. What is Food Intolerance and How Do You Treat it?

    What is Food Intolerance and How Do You Treat it?

    Food intolerance is described as the inability to digest certain meals and the resulting unpleasant bodily reaction. It produces symptoms like bloating and stomach aches...
  2. How Do I Effectively Treat a Sore Throat Fast?

    How Do I Effectively Treat a Sore Throat Fast?

          A sore throat is throat discomfort or irritation that occurs even without swallowing. It is not usually indicative of a more serious...
  3. Why are Blood Pressure Checks Important?

    Why are Blood Pressure Checks Important?

    Blood pressure is a term that refers to the force exerted by your blood against the walls of your arteries as it is pushed throughout...
  4. What's the Best Way to Resist the Temptation to Smoke?

    What's the Best Way to Resist the Temptation to Smoke?

      Cigarette smoking is responsible for nearly 78,000 deaths every year in the UK. Lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are the top...
  5. How Do You Protect Yourself from Sunburn?

    How Do You Protect Yourself from Sunburn?

      Sunburn is skin damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure. When exposed to excessive UV light, the skin becomes hot, red, painful, and uncomfortable...
  6. How to Prevent Malaria on Your Travels

    How to Prevent Malaria on Your Travels

    Many tropical regions in the world are prone to malaria, which is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Malaria is a potentially severe...
  7. What's the Fastest Way to Treat Back Pain?

    What's the Fastest Way to Treat Back Pain?

    It is very common to experience back pain, which usually goes away within months or weeks. Lumbago (lower back pain) is particularly common, but it...
  8. What are Meal Supplements & Do they Work?

    What are Meal Supplements & Do they Work?

    Weight gain can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, from older adults who lose weight unintentionally to athletes who want to improve their performance...
  9. What is the Importance of Vitamin C?

    What is the Importance of Vitamin C?

    Vitamin C is considered an essential vitamin that your body can’t generate; it has been associated with amazing health benefits. You can find it in...